What is session in hibernate?

org.hibernate Interface Session

public interface Session

extends Serializable

Session sess = factory.openSession();

It is not intended that implementors be threadsafe.

A Session instance is serializable if its persistent classes are serializable.

1.  void flush()throws HibernateException

2.  SessionFactory getSessionFactory()

3.  boolean isOpen()

4.  boolean isDirty()throws HibernateException

5.  void saveOrUpdate(Object object)throws HibernateException


What is sessionfactory in hibernate?

org.hibernate Interface SessionFactory

public interface SessionFactory

extends Referenceable, Serializable

The main contract here is the creation of Session instances.

The internal state of a SessionFactory is immutable.

An application has a single SessionFactory instance

1.  Session openSession()throws HibernateException

Handler mappings of Spring MVC

1.  BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping

2.  SimpleUrlHandlerMapping

3.  ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping

4.  CommansPathMapHandlerMapping

5.  DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping

6.  RequestMappingHandlerMapping

7. AbstractControllerUrlHandlerMapping

8. AbstractDetectingUrlHandlerMapping

9. AbstractHandlerMapping

10. AbstractHandlerMethodMapping

11. AbstractUrlHandlerMapping

12. ControllerBeanNameHandlerMapping

13. RequestMappingInfoHandlerMapping