Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
Welcome To Chennarapu Technologies

You can browse through our Web site without giving us any information about yourself. But sometimes we do need information to provide services that you request, and this statement of privacy explains data collection and use in those situations. Please read the complete privacy statement.

We are at, which is committed to safeguarding the information provided by its members and other visitors logging on to its web site since it respects your privacy. Please do read the following policy to understand how your private information will be treated while you make full use of it. Across our business, we will collect, store and use your personal information for defined purposes. We use your information to support and enhance our relationship with you in order to provide service and support. We safeguard and protect against unauthorized access, use and disclosure of your information by using appropriate measures and processes to maintain security. We do not sell your personal information. As required by law or to protect, its customers, or the public, or with companies that help Chennarapu Technologies fulfill its obligations with you, and then only with partners who share commitment to protecting your privacy and data.

At any time you may contact Chennarapu Technologies with any privacy questions or concerns you may have. You also may ask at any time to see the personal data you have given us and request correction or deletion. We strive to protect the security of you personal data by use of appropriate measures and processes. Chennarapu Technologies has been actively promoting the concept of privacy and its relevance for organizations with a cyber presence. This policy may change from time to time so please come back to check periodically.

The Information We Collect: Chennarapu Technologies

May collect the following types of personal information when you interact with us:

Contact Information

Such as: Name, job title, company name, department, e-mail address, physical mailing address, Telephone Number. We may use this information to notify you, to manage our relationship with you, to conduct research into the needs of the market. From time to time, we may use your contact details to forward to you information about the products and services offered by our Company.

Professional Data

Such as: Job interest, Qualifications, training, work experience, employment background, industry, and general information relevant to the working relationship with Chennarapu Technologies. If you provide us with this information, we will use it to better understand your needs and to help us in offering you appropriate services.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of data that are sent to your browser from a web server and are stored on your computer’s hard drive. A cookie cannot read data off your hard disk or read cookie files created by other sites. Cookies do not damage your system and are used only to enhance your experience and to serve you better when you visit our site.

You can choose whether to accept cookies by changing the settings of your browser. If you choose not to accept these cookies, your experience at Chennarapu Technologies web sites and other web sites may be diminished and some features may not work as intended.

We believe it is necessary to share information in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of Chennarapu Technologies policies, or as otherwise required by law.

Incase If you find Your Data Listed without Your Permission Please contact us for removal of your data. You can also contact us for Correction of your business data or Information.

What else should you know about your online privacy?

Please keep in mind that whenever you voluntarily disclose personal information online that information can be collected and used by others. In short, if you post personal information online that is accessible to the public, you may receive unsolicited messages from other parties in return.

Browser information collected on the website:

Chennarapu Technologies analyzes our website logs to constantly improve the value of the materials available on website. Our website logs are not personally identifiable, and we make no attempt to link them with the individuals that actually browse the site.

Contact Information: welcomes your questions regarding this Privacy Statement and regarding the data that we hold.

Please contact us via e-mail :


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